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Investing in Your Company's Brand Is Money Well Spent

Investing in Your Company's Brand Is Money Well Spent

To brand yourself or your business, you must develop icons that will come to represent you or your goods in the minds of your potential customers.

The identity of your brand is the sum total of these symbols and their association with your company.

As a creative professional, your brand is communicated through all of your actions and words.
Consider everything from the photos you take to the autographs you sign, from your name and logo to the interviews you give and the album covers you design.

If your artist name has only been around for less than five years, you need to watch what you say in public.

Do you still listen to the Dixie Chicks? Once upon a time, Natalie Mains, lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, was the most famous person in the world. That is, until she made some snide comments about George W. Bush while the band was on tour in Europe. Because of their criticism of George W. Bush, the Dixie Chicks have become known as a group with a poor sense of national pride. Instantaneously, hundreds of radio stations stopped playing Dixie Chicks songs. You had better watch what you say and do very closely.

Once upon a time, performers were aided by publicists who advised them on how to best present themselves. Although this method often made the artists feel like puppets, it was effective in maintaining the integrity of their brands. Be careful what you say and do if you're an artist or musician. Say "no comment" or "I'm all into music right now" if you're asked a question you'd rather not answer.

Your Intended Audience Should Also be Taken Into Account

Limit yourself to two distinct demographics or types of media to promote. Those who claim "I can sing all sorts of music" are common among the aspiring musicians I've dealt with. It's great if you can sing or perform in a variety of styles, but that won't help you establish your brand. Most people require the ability to mentally categorize objects so that they can find a home for them. Think of your brain as a fleshy computer. It consists of a large number of files and directories. Your product will be eliminated if the target audience cannot immediately categorize it into one or two genres.

Select no more than two genres to focus your marketing efforts on. Jazz and blues, rap and r&b, folk and country, and so on.

Create your own identity. Don't let the world decide who you are.
Over 300,000 copies of Arctic Monkeys' latest album were purchased when the band relied only on the internet to promote the release. The album "Whatever They Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" by Arctic Monkeys was a complete surprise. A lot of free press was given to the Arctic Monkeys, but it wasn't necessarily positive. "We don't know who they are or what they stand for," was a common refrain in Arctic Monkeys coverage.Oh, that's not the way to gain brand recognition.

In light of the abundance of positive coverage the Arctic Monkeys have received, you might assume that their music is currently being played on repeat by every American teenager. Not so. The Arctic Monkeys are largely unknown to American teenagers. The Arctic Monkeys only gave the press so much access to their brand, so the media did what it does best in situations when there are gaps in knowledge: it made up stories.

Don't let this be the end of the road for your young brand. Get the word out there by distributing press releases and engaging in other methods of brand development.

Don't Take Money Out of Your Brand's Bank Account Until it's Established Some Growth

When it comes to branding, consistency is key to creating value. Once your brand has been established and is receiving positive attention, you may stop actively working to promote it and instead sit back and reap the benefits. Think of all the time and energy you put into building your brand as an investment in your future, similar to a 401(k) that earns interest. The more money you deposit into the same account, the more interest you will earn.The greater the interest rate, the greater the sum you will receive. Get it?

Artists and musicians who frequently shift their public persona have a harder time building a loyal fan base and getting their name and music recognized by the general public.

Your Goal Should be to Increase Your Company's Visibility

If you want your brand to be recognized by consumers, you need to do the following: identify your target market; create the associative symbols that represent your brand; nurture your brand as it develops; restrict where and how you market your brand; communicate the meaning behind your brand; invest in your brand; and let it grow on its own without tinkering with it.

If you put in the time and effort to build your brand in the ways outlined above, you should see a positive return on your initial investment.

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