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Selecting the Best Online Venture for Your Free Time

Selecting the Best Online Venture for Your Free Time

There used to be two broad categories into which business opportunities fell. You might either start a business from home or open a storefront. Companies like Avon, Tupperware, Fuller Brush, and Mary Kay have been staples in the home business industry for quite some time. Back then, men held most of the professional positions, while women sought out supplementary income. 

As the number of people in the labor force grew, the concept spread to other sectors, and companies like Amsoil's synthetic motor oils emerged. The success of Amway helped legitimize the home-based company model, and soon people from all walks of life were trying to realize the American ideal of, if not being independently wealthy, then at least being able to set their own hours and quit their day jobs.

Cons and enterprises that shouldn't have been allowed to prey on the naive caught wind of this and learned that making money was more important to many customers than getting quality service.

Nowadays, the promise of "easy money" is often the key selling point of home-based businesses that are otherwise legitimate and well-run and that offer superior products. The promise of financial success is the key selling point for many people who sign up with these companies, and many of them fall for the scheme themselves despite knowing better. They should not take all the blame for it. They wouldn't rely so heavily on the claim if it weren't effective at attracting people who think finding the "right" home business won't just make them rich, but will make them rich "overnight."

The proliferation of the internet has opened up a plethora of previously unimaginable possibilities. Anything that could be done from home before is now doable from home using the internet. While many tried-and-true institutions have made the transition to the digital age and established at least rudimentary internet presences, so too have the more shady and questionable ones. In fact, there are so many purported and legitimate online business opportunities available today that it might be overwhelming for a newcomer to choose the right one.

Therefore, we will discuss some things to think about before launching a home-based online business.

First and foremost, you must know who you are. Even if you can run your business while wearing pajamas, like I am right now, it will still take time and effort. It's Sunday morning, and I've been working nonstop all week. I just put in two hours a day, but I've been working on my online business from home every day this past week.

The positive is that I was able to work fewer than 40 hours per week from home, starting and stopping whenever I pleased, and occasionally choosing to work on things for no reason other than that it was what I felt like doing at the time. In addition, I've reached a stage in my own online business operations where I can take a few days off without causing any immediate damage to my company's bottom line. If you aren't prepared to put in the time and effort required to build your business, don't bother starting one.

Learn to be familiar with yourself. How well an individual fits into the industry of their choice is likely to be a significant determinant of their level of success. Your chances of being successful in a business are proportional to how well you know and care about that business. When I started my first successful home-based internet business, I made sure to promote a product or service that I was passionate about, that came from a company I respected, that provided a service I was familiar with, and that met a need of my own to the point where I could not help but sing its praises.

You may have noticed that "love of money" was missing from the list. I was a complete and utter failure in my first attempts at network marketing, internet marketing, and multi-level marketing. Every time I went into business for myself, it was because I was eager to amass wealth for myself rather than because I was enthusiastic about the prospect of helping others.

3. Be familiar with the field. This is a major consideration. Please don't misunderstand me; I'm not suggesting you need to be an expert in this field by any means. If you have even a passing curiosity about and familiarity with the company's line of work, you'll find it much easier to pick up the necessary information. You won't have much luck, for instance, if you choose to offer health products but don't give a hoot about your own or other people's health.

If, on the other hand, you come across a product about which you know little but which has served you well and which can be seen to have a positive impact on the lives of others, you have a solid foundation upon which to build. You'll have confidence in selling THAT product because you understand how it functions and have experienced its beneficial effects yourself.

Get familiar with the firm. You can expect to pay a registration fee to virtually any legitimate company that provides business opportunities like this. These sums could be anywhere from a few to several hundred dollars. It is challenging to compare firms because of the variety of options available and the unique nature of each company's assistance offerings. You may be eligible for further help, a more attractive website, marketing tools, or even increased earnings with some of these. This is NOT an unreasonable request when you think about the cost of responding to the numerous inquiries and requests for help that any respectable business may anticipate receiving from a sizable but invariably disinterested audience.

I mean no disrespect by saying this, but the vast majority of people who inquire won't sign up, and even fewer of those who do will put in the effort required to make their new internet-based business successful.

You should research the company's reputation for honesty and integrity just like you would with anything else that asks for money. When did it open its doors? In exchange for your hard-earned cash, what sort of assistance and advertising materials can you anticipate receiving? Is a website in the works? How does it appear? Does the online store accept orders on your behalf? If it seems like I'm focusing too much on the internet, it's because a well-designed website that handles sales and the processing of orders can more than justify the cost of signing up for the service.

As a side note, many of the best company-provided websites are not optimized for search engines. Many inexperienced marketers see their brand new, shiny website, send the link to a few search engines, and consider their job done. If you don't have any internet marketing going on in the background, not even the most search engine-optimized site will do well. If you want to make it in the industry, you'll have to put in the time and effort to study this aspect of it. This relates to the first point I made. The necessary task will not get done if you are unwilling to do it. You're the boss, but you also have to do the work, so you have to give your employees tasks that they can actually accomplish.

We can't expect any home-based internet business opportunity to please everyone because, ultimately, we're all unique. I personally know a man who used multi-level marketing to amass a fortune. I invited him to join me in a telecom opportunity I had joined because I wanted to make money, but he declined, explaining that he did not love working with such firms and had never been successful doing so. Nor did I.

Believe in yourself and act accordingly. If you want to start a successful home-based internet business, you need to join an honest, trustworthy organization whose products you believe in and then get out there and work.

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